GUI In Linux GUI ( Graphics User Interface ) as everyone know about. I am writing this article so that we can able to understand how to run GUI apps in containers but we need to understand how it works in linux. Why linux? Most of the container we use are Linux based inorder run GUI in Linux we need know how it works.. Back in early days computer fill the entire room and if you want to access it you will be presented TTY (TeleType Machine) you can still see this screen if you press CTRL + ALT + F1 in Linux. ( To get back to GUI press CTRL + ALT + F7 ) Linux spin off 8 TTY when it boots ( we can configure more or less ) Graphics in linux is handled by bunch of little programs. They are Display manager Display manger which is the key component for graphics in which mainly graphics servers lie in linux the is the defacto of Display manger. which has two components X Server X Client Here little twist server talks to the client ( o...
Let me tell what is rss reader then i will explain about newsboat,. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary. Simply it is way to subscribe to webpages and when new article is published you can see through the feeds. you get the idea Newsboat is a terminal rss reader which is simple, easy to use and highly customizable how to find rss feed link ? simple trick that i used to find rss feeds in a website check for rss image like above [OR] Right click the website -> view page souce and search for rss copy the link and paste it in urls file in the .config/newsboat/urls (for linux and mac) RSS feeds from twitter:<USERNAME><SEARCH TERM> example: