Docker is used to run software packages called "containers". Containers are isolated from each other and bundle their own tools, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels
I have already written a article about the containers you can check out in here
This time, let's learn more about docker engine how we can use this. The important things we need to know in docker are
Docker Image:
The container can be created with the help of Image.
The Image file consists of
- code,
- libraries,
- environment variables,
- configuration files
It is like a blueprint, if you know about Object Oriented Programming Language - It is similar to class
containers are instance of image
you can able find ton of images in dockerhub ( just like github for open source software ) which is maintained by docker
you can able to pull the image from dockerhub using
docker pull [image_name]
docker pull [image_name:tag]
If you want custom docker image,you can able to do that using the dockerfile
find the images you have downloaded using
docker images
Docker container:
To create a container from run
docker run --name [name_for_container] -it [image_name]
-it => create a pseudo tty to interact with container
- Before you run a image best check the image docs on how to start the specific docker image.
- Sometimes you need to expose port if the image contain server or other services.
- you can run the container in background ( add -d option while starting the container )
you to start container using
docker start [container_name]
and stop using
docker stop [container_name]
To interact with docker container with
docker attach [container_name]
To check the containers created and running containers using
docker ps -a
These are the basics things that is necessary get and run docker container other than that we have
Docker compose file - where we can configure your container and how much container need to started,..
Docker swarm - group of machine running docker to form a cluster simply multi-conatiner with multi-machine
Got excited need to learn more, follow the link below:
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