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Python script for Automatic compile and Run c program

# inorder to make the program to work you need
# xdotool 
# pyperclip
# python ( ofcourse )
# important it is done for linux based system so windows user hit 
" powershell " that will give u necessary power 

import os
import time
import pyperclip #library for accessing clipboard

#creating a time delay for 2 seconds

#sending the key stroke ctrl+c i.e copy using xdotool
os.system("xdotool key --delay 13 ctrl+c")

#some predefined stmt
x = "#include<stdio.h>\nint main(){"

#combine above stmt with what we copied

#last touch to c code
x+="return 0;}"

#creating 1 sec delay

# i prefare storing files in tmp directory 

#write the data to file and length contains no of bytes 
return if u want use it or leave it
length = f.write(x)

#close the file

##  Here is the actual magic happens open a terminator 
with /tmp as working directory and compile then execute the c file

# one more thing why cat?  for suspend the process 

# not understand remove the cat and try ( terminal disappear rapidly ) 
so to stop that, cat help u

os.system("terminator --working-directory=/tmp -e 'gcc -o code code.c;./code;cat'")

# if you have issue and doubts e-mail me or post comment 



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