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Dynamically create and access workspaces in i3WM Linux

You can do not have to define a shortcut for every single workspace, you can just create them on the fly by sending a workspace NEW_WS to i3, for example with the

i3-msg program:

i3-msg workspace NEW_WS 
i3-msg move container to workspace NEW_WS

i3 also comes with the i3-input command, which opens a small input field then runs a command with the given input as parameter

i3-input -F 'workspace %s' -P 'go to workspace: '
i3-input -F 'move container to workspace %s' -P 'move to workspace: '
Bind these these two commands to shortcuts and you can access an arbitrary number of workspaces by just pressing the shortcut and then entering the name (or number) of the workspace you want. (If you only work with numbered workspaces, you might want to use workspace number %s instead of just workspace %?)


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