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What does Facebook Know about You ?

Facebook need no introduction, Every one heard about recent facebook data scandal and how worse it is.
The one big question is " what are the info facebook know about me "
  • Images you upload ( well it's just not image facebook also collect metadata of the image from facebook can tell image was taken in which phone,which time,which location )
  •  These information are present in exif meta data.I will write a exclusive article in future
  •     About our conversation i.e Messages in html files
  •     Stickers that you used in your conversation
  •     Videos,Audios and Gifs
  •     Timeline Posts ( your status,birthday wishes,and you know the rest )
  •     Based on your likes to the content, the ads are shown to you and what are the ads you clicked , what kind of ads you are interested( facebook make money from this )
  •     Facial Recognition Data (Well facebook can identify you)
  •     Contact info about your Friends i.e Their mobile numbers when you login initially and sync your contacts to find your friends in facebook
  •     About your Friends ( when you became friends,Friend request send by you,Declined friend request,Removed friends,followees )
  •     Events ( Events that you are posted and responsed )
  •     The System that you currently logged in ( information about OS,Web Browser and IP Address )
  •     Account Activity ( when you logged in through web or mobile and when did session end )
  •     IP Address ( contains all IP Address that you logged in from the creation of the profile to till date )
  •     Location ( well about your current location )
and also when we create a new profile in facebook we asked to give
  • Name
  • E-Mail
  • phone numbers
  • birthday date
  • current city
  • Home town
  • Family
  • Education
  • Spoken languages
  • intrests
  • Music
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Television shows
  • Favourite teams
  • Favourite Athletes
  • Celebrities
  • Movies Watched
  • Tv Show Watched
  • Groups
literally, our Bio data
This much information, you can take from single profile thing about millions of profiles OMG
Well if you want to know what are the data,facebook know about you. you can check it my Go to settings and click download a copy of your facebook data

you can download it entirely offline by clicking it

check all the downloaded files then you understand the value of our datas


  • DeleteFacebook - NO
  • lot of us are still connect with our friends through social medias
  • what we can do is minimise the data you share in the social media use it wise manner like read news and post your ideas
  • turn off the continuous uploading setting in the Messenger app. This change will also delete all your previously uploaded contacts.


Whatsapp and Instagram also owned by facebook ( Handle with care )
Too much of anything, good for nothing


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