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What you can do with idle Computing Power?

This time we are going to see how to use idle computing power to do something good or make profit

1.Volunteer computing :
        It is an arrangement in which people (volunteers) provide computing resources to projects, which use the resources to do distributed computing and/or storage.

Simply donating the idle computing power to someone,Sounds cool right

 where it is used and what you can do with that ?
     Scientist have many problems to deal with such as finding a New planet,analyzing outer space,finding cure for cancer or other disease. They need lot of computational power to do this kind of project. Many scientist cannot spent their Funds entirely in computational power. So

                     BONIC - Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

BONIC is created to address this problem anyone with computer connected to the internet can donate the computing power.It use the idle time on your computer to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research.

If you want to know about the projects under BIONIC you can check the below link


And other cool thing about this project is you can also donate your Mobile power (Android,IOS )

Official Site:

2. Rendering Animation
      First we need to know what is rendering ?
          When you create animation in the software it is just store the details as equation,relations of objects ( Mathematical stuff ) in order to make it into 2D or 3D we will render it which is done automatically by the software but it takes huge amount of time.

well we have a solution for that -> Donate the computing power 

Here we are going to discuss donating power for Blender animation software ( It is free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, interactive 3D applications and video games ) 

It can done through a program called Sheep it
people can upload their project to their site and the person can share his username and password which can used to login with sheep it client and we can set the number of cores and memory which can used by the process and press the start 

Official Site:

3. Mining cryptocurrency
    Everyone know about this topic. Cryptocurrency uses computational power to blockchain integrity and Security.Mining currency is big trend right now you can earn lot if you use your computational power But it have lot of pros and cons.

If you want to know more about mining cryptocurrency you can refer the site below


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