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Vim - Text Editor which last for Decade

what's Vim?
    Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X
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 when i first heard it, what a command line editor which is awesome and i said to myself  NO WAY, there are tons of editor which looks good and easy learn curve such as Atom,Sublime,VSCode and bunch others

What makes vim special than other editors? 
  • Different from everything you have used before ( because it has modes - insert mode,visual mode,Command mode )
  • Forget the mouse ( why? because you can do everything from keyboard )
  • Once you learn it. It's hard to leave ( you never able to switch to other editor )
  • It survived a decade longer
Steep learning curve
  •  The things to learn in vim is completely vast.
  •  you need to spent decent amount of time to work with vim in happy mode.
  • so take time to learn the basics before dive deep in.
      I said it is highly configurable. Vim can be configured through .vimrc present in home directory ( global configuration present in etc directory ) for UNIX based environment where you can able to configure Themes,packages ( Plugins that you can able to install ) and enable/disable options.

Different Modes
  •  Command mode : Mode in which you can able to copy,paste,move cursor and run commands
  •  Insert mode : Mode in which you can able to type text ( This mode is similar to writing in text editors )
  • Visual mode : The mode in which you can able to select group of text and line

Vim Scripting Language
    vim uses it own scripting language. From which we can able to create plugin.Vim macros can contain a sequence of normal-mode commands, but can also invoke ex commands or functions written in Vim script for more complex tasks. Almost all extensions (called plugins or more commonly scripts) of the core Vim functionality are written in Vim script, but plugins can also utilize other interpreted languages like Perl, Python, Lua, or Ruby (if support for them is compiled into the Vim binary).



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