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Showing posts from 2018

Phone as Personal Computer

we know smart phone available today can do lot of things, some people say it's a mini computer but few company want to break the boundary to make smart phone as similar to PC In this article we will discuss about possible ways you can make your smart phones,tab into a PC Microsoft : You can able to use surface book which you can use it as both tablet and PC Buy a surface dock (hardware) which enable you to use the surface book as desktop PC. One more thing you can use surface book in four modes     site: Samsung :               Samsung announced Linux on dex , which let your phone turn into linux PC seems like a magic. All you need to do Install Linux on dex App from ( register and you will get a apk file to install in android ). Launch and download ubuntu. After that connect usb c cabl...

My First Open Source Contribution

It's my dream to contribute to open source. It is all started in 2 year of college i came to know the linux is so much awesome to work and learn about computer and know about github where you can find the open source software code. I thought, I need to learn more to contribute to the software community later i read lot of article about contributing to opensource. Every article say Learn a programming language you like. Find a project written in programming language you choose. Read it. Use it. Find any bug open a issue. Fix the issue Seems like simple as pie. I thought let's give it a try My scenario I use C to solve program in hackerrank and other coding sites and i know little bit about C++ and java at the time. when i searched for the project, all project are seems to be dinosaur huge, Finally i convinced myself and pick a project. I started reading the source code. It donot understand lot of code and i donot know where to find those answers. then frus...

codefest-ctf-18 writeup

Codefest is online CTF challenge conducted by Hackerrank on August 31 2018 6:00 PM IST to September 1 2018 12:00 PM IST. They have given dozens of challenges.  link: I manage to complete two challenges in this article i will explain how i solved the two  Typing Master Question If you think you have it in you, connect now to 9093 and prove your mettle. You will be presented with a simple typing task which is meant to check your typing speed. For example, Can you type 'Z' 10 times followed by 'u' 6 times, followed by the sum of their ASCII values? ZZZZZZZZZZuuuuuu207 Input Format Regarding input to the server - The question was designed keeping netcat in mind. Some users who are using other tools/language (eg, Python, PuTTY, TELNET) to connect to the server please note that they do not terminate the strings like netcat does. If you choose not to use netcat, t...


Docker is used to run software packages called "containers". Containers are isolated from each other and bundle their own tools, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels                                                                                                --Wikipedia  I have already written a article about the containers you can check out in here This time, let's learn more about docker engine how we can use this. The important things we need to know in docker are Docker Image:  The container can be created with the help of Image. The Image file consists of code, libraries, environment variable...

My favourite subreddits

What is reddit?         It is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.                                                                                                                       -wikipedia...

My experience in iOS Hackathon

This is my second hackathon, my first hackathon was on machine learning if you want to check out that article by following the below link So let's get started First let us discuss about the idea of what we are trying to achieve in this hackathon. From the above image you can able to know that we are going to recognize text from the image and use it to do find which field it is.  we separated this idea into three modules Identify the region Recognize the text  Field classification Module I : Identify the region To identify the selected region we used Vision framework ( ML framework provided by apple to detect the object ). The vision framework give us the boundary of the text region ( i.e frame - x,y,width,height ).  Then using the above region we crop the selected region and pass it to the next module. Module II : Recognize the text To recognize the text we ...

Vim - Text Editor which last for Decade

what's Vim?     Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X                                                                                                            ---> From  when i first heard it, what a command line editor which is awesome and i said to myself  NO WAY, there are tons of editor which looks good and easy learn curve such as Atom,Sublime,VSCode and bunch others What makes vim special than other editors?  Different from everything you have used before ( because it has modes - insert mode,visual mode,Command mode ) Forget the mouse ( why?...


To know about container importance,we need to know about virtual machine. Virtual Machine :         Virtual machine help us to run other operating system in host operating system. Uses of Virtual machine Malware Analysis - Without infecting the host machine we can able to analysis how the malware in virtual machine Huge software project require lot of dependency and lot of configuration. so they bundle everything in a container and transfer through virtual machine In serving different server ( hosting company ) Virtual lab - For learning what's wrong with virtual machine? Virtual machine is awesome but it take more resource which cannot afford by more people.   Not good as host machine when accessing hardware ( In Mac you cannot able to access wifi from virtual machine) Containers? Container provide operating system level virtualization there by we can able to run multiple isolated environment in same host system. It p...

Building a Network Tap

This time not software,its hardware stuff What is a Network tap ?     A Network TAP (Terminal Access Point) denotes a system which monitors events on a local network and in order to aid administrators (or attackers) in analyzing the network.The tap itself is typically a dedicated hardware device, which provides a way to access the data flowing across a computer network. In many cases, it is desirable for a third party to monitor the traffic between two points in the network                                                                        --- From Wikipedia Application: Troubleshooting Network  IDS (Intrusion...


As the name says chain of block Now what is a block?       A block typically contains a  cryptographic hash of the previous block,  a timestamp transaction data    Where it is used?      It is the backbone of cryptocurrency i.e it ensure the security and integrity of data. The usage doesn't stop here well blockchain are resistant to modification of the data. so it can used in Bank Identity verification Hospital records and much more   How it ensures security and integrity of data? Block added to the chain, contain the hash ( result obtained from hash algorithm such as MD5,SHA) of the previous block so changes in one block lead to mismatch. Proof of work algorithm - Adding a node in the block chain require validation whether the new block is valid or not which is done my miner if they find the valid hash they will be rewarded How to do one?      The most interesting part ...

What you can do with idle Computing Power?

This time we are going to see how to use idle computing power to do something good or make profit 1. Volunteer computing :         It is an arrangement in which people ( volunteers ) provide computing resources to projects , which use the resources to do distributed computing and/or storage. Simply donating the idle computing power to someone,Sounds cool right  where it is used and what you can do with that ?      Scientist have many problems to deal with such as finding a New planet,analyzing outer space,finding cure for cancer or other disease. They need lot of computational power to do this kind of project. Many scientist cannot spent their Funds entirely in computational power. So                      BONIC - Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing BONIC is created to address this problem anyone with...

Creating a simple Telegram Bot

Well first what is a bot?      A bot is a piece of software that can execute commands, reply to messages, or perform routine tasks, as online searches, either automatically or with minimal human intervention Now how to create one?     Here i have created a bot that run in telegram and i will show you how to do Steps in creating a Telegram Bot   Create a account in telegram  Search for @botfather ( a bot that will assist you in creating new bot ) Inside BotFather chat type /newbot and it will ask name for the bot and username for the bot once you completed above things successfully then botfather gives you Token id which is essential to create a bot            In this image you can able to find the token id strike out by red color Well now we have everything we need , we can able to create a bot using python ( you can able to create in any language )  In command line ...

What does Facebook Know about You ?

Facebook need no introduction, Every one heard about recent facebook data scandal and how worse it is. The one big question is " what are the info facebook know about me " Images you upload ( well it's just not image facebook also collect metadata of the image from facebook can tell image was taken in which phone,which time,which location )  These information are present in exif meta data.I will write a exclusive article in future     About our conversation i.e Messages in html files     Stickers that you used in your conversation     Videos , Audios and Gifs     Timeline Posts ( your status,birthday wishes,and you know the rest )     Based on your likes to the content, the ads are shown to you and what are the ads you clicked , what kind of ads you are interested( facebook make money from this )     Facial Recognition Data (Well facebook can identify you)  ...